Green Development

Implement low carbon throughout the life cycle
assuming the responsibility of chain owners, promote the value chain towards carbon neutrality.

Green Development

Huaqin integrates the concept of green development into every decision, interpreting responsibility with action and making emission reduction a daily practice. We incorporate climate change response into our company strategy and decision-making, identifying and addressing the challenges and opportunities brought by climate change. We take multiple measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and enhance our resilience to climate change.

Carbon Neutrality Goals


Achieve carbon peak in its own operations before 2030


achieve carbon neutrality in company operations by 2050


Officially initiated control of carbon emission reduction in 2021; the green, low-carbon, and circular development model continues to iterate, and energy utilization efficiency is improved year by year.


Achieve carbon peak by 2030; the use of clean energy accounts for more than 40%, that is, the ratio of zero-carbon emission from the source of power generation continues to rise, and carbon emissions are rapidly reduced; continuous efforts are made in product design to reduce carbon emissions.


Achieve carbon neutrality in each region ; the three major R&D bases in Shanghai, Wuxi, and Xi'an achieve carbon neutrality.


Achieve carbon neutrality in company operations.
100% clean energy.

Addressing Climate Change

We value adaptation and response to climate change, actively identifying and managing climate risks and opportunities, and pursuing continuous business continuity and response to the concerns and demands of stakeholders under possible climate change scenarios.
We refer to the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), organize relevant departments to identify risks and opportunities, formulate detailed response strategies, incorporate climate change risks into the overall company risk management framework, develop strategies and special actions to address climate change, and optimize strategies in a timely manner in conjunction with development progress.

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Energy Efficiency Improvement

On the path to carbon neutrality, we focus on enhancing energy usage efficiency by introducing a digital energy management platform that intelligently monitors energy consumption dynamics and electricity usage trends.
We implement energy-saving technical renovation projects, such as reducing air compressor pressure, recovering waste heat, scheduling the operation of large workshop equipment, and upgrading air conditioning ducts.

Clean Energy Transition

Huaqin is committed to the use of clean energy and is continuously developing rooftop photovoltaic solar projects. We are exploring effective ways to reduce dependence on traditional energy sources by introducing clean energy equipment, directly purchasing green electricity, and procuring green certificates.
In 2023, the company further increased the proportion of clean energy used, taking practical actions to implement the concept of green development. Photovoltaic facilities with an installed capacity of 19.5WM have been built in five of the company's parks, generating 14.32 million kWh of solar power.

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