Scientific Governance

Improve the governance system, implement an efficient and robust governance structure
and implement scientific decision-making and compliant operations
to create sustainable competitiveness embedded in the global value chain.

Information Security

Huaqin has always regarded the protection of customer information security as the foundation of its existence. It has passed the authoritative ISO/IEC 27001 certification and established a comprehensive information security protection system. Through all-round, multi-level, and three-dimensional management and technical measures, it safeguards the information security of its customers.

Comprehensive information security control

Customer Confidentiality Area

The information security during the customer service process is of paramount importance to the group's information security efforts. The group has established multiple customer-exclusive confidentiality work areas, safeguarding the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer information through multi-dimensional measures such as environmental security, network security, personnel security, physical security, and data security. The group regularly conducts information security audits in the confidentiality areas, providing a strong security backstop for customer service.

Supply Chain Information Security Management

Before any supplier collaborates with Huaqin, they are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. The company imposes strict restrictions on all physical and logical access for suppliers, and organizes annual information security audits and evaluations for key suppliers. All suppliers entering the company must have valid identification and pass through an approval and registration process to prevent unauthorized access.

Employees' Information Security Empowerment and Certification

Huaqin organizes annual information security training and capability certification for its employees. Through activities such as planning an Information Security Month, it enhances the awareness of all personnel, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of information security protection concepts, management systems, protective measures, and practices. For employees working in confidentiality areas, the group arranges additional advanced security capability training and certification to ensure that key personnel have a solid grasp of the security awareness and capabilities that match the confidentiality areas in which they work.

Mechanism and organizational guarantee

Authoritative Certification and Legal Compliance

ISO/IEC 27001 is internationally recognized as the most authoritative, stringent, and widely accepted standard for information security management. Huaqin, in compliance with the ISO/IEC 27001 information security management standards and procedures, has met the requirements for corporate information security management that are aligned with international standards, fulfilling its commitment to users. Huaqin strictly adheres to the "Cybersecurity Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Personal Information Protection Law," ensuring that our designed and developed products fully comply with the current information security laws and regulations.

Organizational Guarantee

The group has established an Information Security Committee, which is responsible for setting the group's information security objectives and reviewing the implementation of information security work, ensuring that information security risks are always within an acceptable range. Business departments have appointed information security officers who are responsible for the implementation and advancement of information security work within their departments, the assessment and handling of information security risks, and the investigation and continuous improvement of information security incidents. By establishing an effective information security management system that covers organization, policies, and processes, the group is accountable for the protection of customer information security.

security culture

In the organization, we regularly carry out various forms of publicity activities such as interpreting security rules, analyzing violations, reminding of necessary knowledge, and conducting information security drills. This instills the awareness that "information security starts from the heart and the practice of safe information is in action" into the hearts of every employee and partner.

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